Contact us
Our address
Berliner Missionswerk
Georgenkirchstr. 69/70
10249 Berlin
Ph: +49 (0) 30 243 44 - 123
Fax: +49 (0) 30 243 44 - 124
Make a donation
Berliner Missionswerk (Berlin Mission)
Evangelische Bank
IBAN DE86 5206 0410 0003 9000 88
Berlin Mission, Evangelical Church Centre in Georgenkirchstrasse 70, Build. 1, can be reached as follows:
Via Alexanderplatz: Train service, S-Bahn and subway all serve Alexanderplatz. From there, take tram M4 (direction "Höhenschönhausen/Zingster Str." or "Falkenberg"), get off at the third stop.
By bus: You can also take bus 200 or 142 and get off at the stop "Am Friedrichshain". From the stop it is only a short walk (2-3 minutes) to our Centre.